The Groundwater Education System - Manual _______________________________________________________________________________ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: IBM PC, IBM XT, or IBM Compatible Computer 640Kb RAM Minimum Memory EGA Card or Equivalent EGA Capable Monitor or Equivalent One or More of the Following: -- Hard Drive and at least one 360Kb 5.25" Disk Drive -- Hard Drive and at least one 720Kb 3.5" Disk Drive -- 1.2 Mb High-Density 5.25" Disk Drive (Hard Drive Optional) -- 1.44 Mb High-Density 3.5" Disk Drive (Hard Drive Optional) NOTE: The Groundwater Education System requires much memory. Memory resident programs could interfere with the system's operation. _______________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION: Follow the instructions for your appropriate system configuration. Installation procedures for 5.25" High-Density (1.2 Mb) Disk Drive, 3.5" High-Density (1.44 Mb) Disk Drive, 3.5" Normal-Density (720 Kb) Disk Drive. - Insert the Groundwater Education System disk into the appropriate size disk drive. - Type at the prompt the drive letter followed by a colon. (Example: A: ) - Then type (at the prompt): INSTALL NOTE: Computers with a High-Density Disk Drive (5.25" - 1.2 Mb or 3.5" - 1.44 Mb) may not wish to install the Groundwater Education System on on their hard drive. The program will run correctly from the floppy drive, but it will execute much, much slower. Installation procedures for 5.25" Normal-Density (360K) Disk Drive. - Insert the Groundwater Education System disk #1 into the disk drive. - Type at the prompt the drive letter followed by a colon. (Example: A: ) - Then type (at the prompt): INSTALL1 - After installation for disk #1 is complete insert disk #2 into the disk drive. - Type at the prompt: INSTALL2 _______________________________________________________________________________ LOADING THE PROGRAM: - Type at the prompt: C: - Then type (at the prompt): CD\GRNDWATR - Then type (at the prompt): GRNDWATR _______________________________________________________________________________ MAINTAINING THE PROGRAM: There are two files that should be regularly maintained to maintain optimum performance of this program. These are ARTICLES.DAT and the article name file. To add an article, add a summary line and a filename line in that order to the file ARTICLES.DAT. To do this use any simple text editor. Be sure that you do not add any extra lines after the last filename. The filename should be in the form 'filename'.'ext'. It is suggested that use ART for extension portion of the filename. The actual filename is at your discretion. This file is the text of the article you wish to display when the user selects the above summary line. Again, any simple text editor will do the job fine for entering the article and maintaining the file ARTICLES.DAT. If you don't include the filename and summary statement in this file, Groundwater won't recognize your article or will have problems if the items aren't in the correct order. Also included with the program is a simple quiz selectable from the menu. The quiz will take the name of the user and record their number wrong, number right, and percent score in a file available to you on the disk. To see this file at any time type at the prompt: TYPE GRADES.DAT The information in the file is self-explanatory. The name comes first with the student's results next. Also, QUIZ.TXT, the file that the quiz program gets its questions and answers from, is available for changing. Here is the correct format for creating a new quiz. EXAMPLE: "The question text." What type of water is this program based upon? "Answer 1." Surface Water "Answer 2." Hard Water "Answer 3." Groundwater "Answer 4." Cold Water "Correct Answer." Groundwater - Blank Line. - The quiz MUST be 25 questions long. No more. No less. Any deviation from this number, and problems will occur. The "Correct Answer." text must be exactly the same - letter for letter - or the program will count all of the choices as a wrong answer. After the text of the correct answer, the next line MUST be BLANK. If this isn't followed, the quiz will not be usable. Again, the file QUIZ.TXT can be edited with any simple text editor. It is recommended that if you wish to change the quiz, first rename the QUIZ.TXT file to something else for an easy reference to the correct format. Then you may simple start from scratch to create your own quiz. (Example: RENAME QUIZ.TXT QUIZBKUP.TXT In this case, the user renamed the quiz.txt file to quizbkup.txt - a backup file.) NOTE: A very simple text entry tool, "TED," has been included with the Groundwater Education System for the purpose of editing the files mentioned above. Using the program is fairly self-explanatory. All editing and menu options are located at the bottom of the screen. Use the Exit (F7) Function to save your text. "TED" is in the Public Domain. _______________________________________________________________________________ THE GROUNDWATER EDUCATION SYSTEM: The Groundwater Education System is a program designed on the concept of Hypermedia. Hypermedia is a relatively new concept. A user operating a program using hypertext can determine how much information they receive from the program. This is achieved through allowing the user to select what topics they want to see without displaying unwanted topics. The user selects hypertext links by "clicking" on a highlighted word or phrase. The program then sends the user to another section regarding their selection. In this way, more material than just the main focus of the program can be interwoven. This allows a broader scope for education and other applications. USING THE KEYBOARD: - The Spacebar: The Spacebar is used to move from one section of the program to another. Use the Spacebar to move through the four main sections of the program. The Spacebar also can be used to exit a picture. - The F3 Key: The F3 Key is used to select a hypertext link available on the screen. On text screens, this is seen by way of a color change of a highlighted word or phrase. On pictures, the F3 key moves an arrow on the picture to the next available hypertext link. - The F4 Key: The F4 Key is used to engage a hypertext link selected by the F3 Key. On pictures, the F4 Key also engages a hypertext link in the same manner as with text screens. - The Enter Key: The Enter Key is used to select an item on a menu. - The Arrow The Arrow Keys are used to move the selection bar on a Keys: menu. - Page Up / The Paging Keys are used to move through sections that Page Down: have more than one page available to read. Page Down moves to the next sequential page. Page Up moves backward through the pages. USING A MOUSE: - The Cursor: The Cursor is a rectangular box which defines where the mouse is pointed on the screen. On a picture, the cursor is an arrow. To move the cursor, move the mouse. - Left Button: The Left Button is used to engage an activity according to where the cursor is located on the screen. If the cursor is in the menu bar at the bottom of the screen, the function it is located upon will be activated. The relevant functions include: Spacebar-Continue and Page Down. On a picture, the left button performs the same as the F4 Key in engaging a hypertext link. - Right Button: The Right Button on the mouse is used to exit a picture and to Page Up. To Page Up, the cursor must be located on the paging function at the menu bar at the bottom of the screen. - Middle Button: The Middle Button, if your mouse has one, has no function in the Groundwater Education System. _______________________________________________________________________________ The author sincerely hopes you enjoy the program and finds it to be of educational value. If any problems should occur with the program that are not obvious errors from the above suggestions, contact: Bernard Engel Agricultural Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907 Phone: (317) 494-1198 The Author, James Gurganus _______________________________________________________________________________